I am a mom of three girls, all under the age of 5. I was diagnosed with bipolar disorder type 2 about 10 years ago. During my pregnancy with my last daughter (end 2010/beginning 2011), I developed severe depression, which landed me in the psychiatric ward. I started this blog as a way to try to tell my story about being depressed and pregnant, and have continued it as a forum to discuss parenting, mental health, and crafting as a means of therapy.
I have an MA in English Composition from the University of Dayton and am a former composition teacher there. I won the Erma Bombeck humor writing contest in 2006 and have published both fiction and nonfiction in print and online.
Most recently, I underwent a six-week regimen of electroconvulsive therapy, which was an interesting journey. I am also researching and working on an outline of a book that deals with pregnancy in depression.