Monday, January 31, 2011

Is it really that hard? - Prescriptions

Disclaimer:  I stole the title for this post from my friend Megan who writes A Right Gapesnest (and does a wonderful job, too, by the way) and periodically has a "Is it really that hard?" post.

After being in the hospital a few weeks ago, I finally got all my meds more or less straightened out; I went from six different prescriptions prescribed by four different doctors to four prescriptions prescribed by one doctor.  Much improved.  However, when I went to get them filled Saturday, turns out the scripts were made out to "Amy King" rather than "Amy Krug."  I know I'm a new patient and all, but still.  A tad annoying.  The pharmacist told me he couldn't fill them without calling the doctor, and he wouldn't call the doctor until Monday morning.  Lovely.  Luckily, I had some leftovers of some of the meds from before my hospital stint, so I muddled through, but hopefully the doc and the pharmacy will work things out today.  Apparently we're supposed to have some sort of snow/ice storm tonight and tomorrow, so I need to be able to pick up these pills today.

On a knitting front, I just started this cute little set called "Sweet Pea," which is a baby bodysuit and hat.  We'll see how it turns out; I'm not so good at stuff that has to "fit."  I need some sort of tutorial on gauge, yarn types, and the like.  Oh well.

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